For Scouts

We provide a range of outdoor programs including plant and animal study, wildlife and insect searches, tree ID, hiking, day camping, campfire cooking, ecology, and environmental topics.

We can help scouts earn all or part of the following:

Girl Scouts
Daisies and Brownies
Outdoor and Environmental badges
Journey Books: Earth & Sky, WOW (Wonders of Water)

Junior Girl Scouts
Outdoor and Environmental badges
Journey Books: Get Moving

Girl Scout Seniors, Cadets, and Ambassadors
Journey Books: Sow What?, Breathe, Justice

Boy Scouts
Cub Scouts
Leave No Trace Award
Outdoor Activity Award (Tiger, Wolf, Bear)
Nature Hike
Outdoor Service
Outdoor Sports
Worship Service

Boy Scouts
Soil & Water Conservation
Farm Mechanics

Eagle Scout Project
Build a Trail
Other possibilities are also available